12 Photos of the Coffee Region That Show a Rarely Seen Side of Colombia

Colombian coffee
Colombian coffee | © Andres Navia Paz / Shutterstock
Chris Bell

Colombia’s Coffee Region is known for producing some of the best coffee in the whole world. However, there’s a lot more to the area than just beautiful landscapes and quality coffee – the industry supports thousands of families, and producing coffee is hard, often backbreaking work. Here are 12 photos of the Coffee Region that show a rarely seen side of Colombia.

The Colombian Coffee Region is a truly beautiful part of the world.

Famous, of course, for these little red berries…

But did you know that those berries start off life as little white flowers?

Or that the coffee plant starts life like this?

And believe it or not, in Colombia, every single one is picked by hand!

It’s tough work, and pickers fill up hundreds of bags of coffee during the course of a harvest…

People of all ages are involved in the harvesting of Colombian coffee.

Which, as you can see, is exhausting work!

Most of those red berries are then dried in the warm Andean sun with no machinery involved…

And end up looking just like this:

And, although the coffee we drink is roasted and prepared by fancy machines and baristas, most Colombians roast their coffee very simply…

But, at the end of the day, wherever you travel in the Colombian Coffee Region, there will always be someone there with a big smile and a cup of fresh coffee!

That’s the joy and magic of Colombia.

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